The game of basketball is full of mismatches not only in the player’s height, but also in the physical attributes of the players. Every basketball team boosts of a couple of players who are quick on their feet and quick to pass the ball around. There are also tall players who are aggressive, and strong however cannot be termed as quick as the shorter players. It is therefore imperative to take care of this aspect of the game, since quick feet and quick passes can change the entire course of the game.

The answer is having a good defense strategy that can stop quick players. It also maintains the consistency of the team and keeps your team included in an interesting game. With a great defense team you will not only learn how to tackle a quick player but you will also help your team win the game.

There are a few game positions that usually make use of quick players:

Point Guard:
These are usually shorter and quicker players who employ skills in outside shooting, passing, defense, dribbling and they are the best in these skills. They can quickly run down to the basket to help a teammate score.

Shooting Guard:
Although the players in this position are slightly taller than the point guard, they are quick in passing, dribbling, outside shooting and rebounding. They are also considered to be some of the best outside shooters of the team.

Playing a good defense game against quick players will make sure your team has the game in their hands. A simple advice against quick players is to stop them from getting the ball. Although it does sound easy it is not easy on court. Especially if it’s a rebound, you cannot possibly keep the ball to yourself all the time. The quick player can grab hold of the ball anytime during the game and this requires the defense to come up with strategic plans that will prevent them from scoring a basket.

  1. Let’s assume that the offense has the ball and the player is quick, try and get the ball to the floor. If you find him outside the scoring area then make sure that you give him enough of room. Once he gets into your danger zone, then it is time to get your team members to help you out.
  2. If the player is in the middle of the court along with the ball, you are at an advantage. You can choose which side you want the ball to go to. It could be towards his weak hand or even your team’s best defender. With the help of your team members get him out of the middle and onto the sides. Try and cover him up as much as possible so that he either misjudges when passing the ball or throws it in such a way that it falls short of either the basket or another opponent. Make sure that you do not give him too much of space. Space works to his advantage, as that is his attribute and helps him gather speed and be quick.
  3. Cornering your quick opponent will ensure that he gets limited room to move, which make him less effective. Being aggressive and stealing the ball from your quick opponent and also extend your defensive position.

Picture credit:
Title: Allen Iverson vs. GS Warriors – 0307… • Created by: DJ Anto D via Flickr • Licence: Creative Commons Attribution